Quote of the Day
If you enjoy programming, philosophy, math, or any number of geeky topics, you're in the right place. Every day, I'll post a random quote from my extensive collection of Kindle highlights. Quotes do not necessarily reflect my views or opinions. In fact, part of my epistemic process is to consume a wide variety of contradictory material.
Many software researchers advocate rather than investigate. As a result, (a) some advocated concepts are worth far less than their advocates believe, and (b) there is a shortage of evaluative research to help determine what the value of such concepts really is.
— Robert L. Glass, Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering
Dealing with complexity is the most important challenge in software design.
— JohnOusterhout, A Philosophy of Software Design
There’s this Pollyannaish notion that the most important thing to do when working together is stay positive and get along, to not hurt anyone’s feelings. Well, that’s just wrong. Maybe debate is going to be less pleasant, but it will always be more productive. True creativity requires some trade-offs.
— Jonah Lehrer, Group Think: The Brainstorming Myth
An evolutionary architecture consists of three primary aspects: incremental change, fitness functions, and appropriate coupling.
— Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons and Patrick Kua, Building Evolutionary Architechtures
Bits that are embodied as structure (varying in space, invariant across time) we perceive as memory, and bits that are embodied as sequence (varying in time, invariant across space) we perceive as code. Gates are the intersections where bits span both worlds at the moments of transition from one instant to the next.
— George Dyson, Turing’s Cathedral
1782 post articles, 357 pages.