Quote of the Day
If you enjoy programming, philosophy, math, or any number of geeky topics, you're in the right place. Every day, I'll post a random quote from my extensive collection of Kindle highlights. Quotes do not necessarily reflect my views or opinions. In fact, part of my epistemic process is to consume a wide variety of contradictory material.
If science is based on “faith,” then science is of the same kind as religion—directly comparable. If science is a religion, it is the religion that heals the sick and reveals the secrets of the stars. It would make sense to say, “The priests of science can blatantly, publicly, verifiably walk on the Moon as a faith-based miracle, and your priests’ faith can’t do the same.”
— Eliezer Yudkowsky, How to Actually Change Your Mind
A designer knows he has arrived at perfection not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
— Jon Bentley, Programming Pearls
Every statistic encodes a vision of the world it seeks to measure.
— Ben Orlin, Math With Bad Drawings
Knowing things is not the same as understanding them. Comprehension is not the same thing as analysis. Expertise is a not a parlor game played with factoids.
— Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise
A verbal threat is the most authentic certificate of impotence.
— Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes
1786 post articles, 358 pages.