
Quote of the Day

If you enjoy programming, philosophy, math, or any number of geeky topics, you're in the right place. Every day, I'll post a random quote from my extensive collection of Kindle highlights. Quotes do not necessarily reflect my views or opinions. In fact, part of my epistemic process is to consume a wide variety of contradictory material.


It is not an accident that the research behind the Accelerate book found that one of the defining characteristics of high-performing teams, based on measures of stability and throughput, is that they can make decisions within the team, without seeking permission from, or coordination with, other groups. Such teams are informationally decoupled.

— David Farley, Modern Software Engineering

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T. S. Eliot, a great admirer of the work, commented: “How much the work of logicians has done to make of English a language in which it is possible to think clearly and exactly on any subject. The Principia Mathematica are perhaps a greater contribution to our language than they are to mathematics.”

— Chris Bernhardt, Turing’s Vision

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…there is no way that Newton’s law—or any other law of physics—can be proved in the mathematical sense of the word.

— Eli Maor, E

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